Tag Archives: reporting

Thankful for the Amazing People in My Life!

Brett and friends
Selfie with new friends Lennon Patton and David Glover at KOSU Radio’s “On Tap” policy forum in April

I really don’t measure my life from one January 1st to the next. Somehow, it’s easier for me to measure what has happened since last Thanksgiving. And there have been some pretty amazing people who have entered my life since then, in one case someone from the past, but in a new identity. And so, since last Thanksgiving… Continue reading Thankful for the Amazing People in My Life!

Reasons to Fight Equivalency Journalism

Equivalency journalism assumes that there are only about two sides to anything and that they are equally valid.

When practicing equivalency journalism, once two sides to an issue are found, then the only task of the journalist is:

  • Find spokespersons for each side.
  • Transcribe what they say.
  • Publish.

What we know from real life, though, is that no two approaches to anything are objectively equal. But the myth of equivalency is what drives most media organizations today.

Continue reading Reasons to Fight Equivalency Journalism