Nuisance weeds problem in OKC story for Oklahoma Gazette

  • Print publication: August 19, 2015
  • Online publication: August 21, 2015

Headline and lede

Print headline: Tall problem, Community involvement is vital in cutting short the city’s long list of code violators

“Community involvement vital in cutting short city’s long list of code violators”

Leadership in Oklahoma City and The Village told Oklahoma Gazette the complaint they get the most is about tall weeds and grass.

If agitation about the neighbor’s overgrown yard causes you Jumanji-like nightmares, there are solutions available to remedy the problem.


After noticing repeated discussion about the tall grass and weeds problems over several meetings of the Oklahoma City Council, I started to dig into the actual workings of two city halls on the matter.

This story was meant to encourage residents in the metro area to take action and call their respective city halls to get action on nuisance lots.


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