Tag Archives: education politics

What the Market Basket Grocery Strike Can Teach Educators

marketbasket strkers strike
Market Basket strikers – Credit BBC

In just three weeks, employees of Market Basket,  a regional chain of grocery stores based in Massachusetts, pulled off an upset in the world of labor relations: They successfully drove that company’s board of directors to re-hire their loved CEO who had been fired by other distant family members in a boardroom squabble over control of the company.

This successful strike organized by managers, supervisors and workers has much to teach educators about how the power of numbers can offset the power of the rich.

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Barresi Misses the Fact That She Is the “Power”

IMG_0192Right on cue, she delivered.
  • Angry.
  • Self-righteous.
  • Martyr pose.

It’s just what we were expecting. Amazing.

There was a larger-than-usual crowIMG_0217d gathered at the Oklahoma State Board of Education meeting yesterday, June 26th. The room filled completely although the location had been changed to a huge Oklahoma Senate hearing room to accommodate it.

After some formalities, Supt. Barresi started off saying that she wanted to first make “some brief comments”.  Here is about the first 2 1/2 minutes of those opening remarks. If you can’t take even that much, just stop it and keep reading.

Continue reading Barresi Misses the Fact That She Is the “Power”